Case taking Proforma

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Indoor Case Record Form (Long Case)

OPD Case Record Form (Short Case)

GHMC Case taking Form Classic 

Expanded Case taking Form 



Patient Id no:                                                           *Mandatory field                      

1. Patient Profile*

Name:       Age:      Sex:         Weight:    Height:         Address:    Date:                                                 

2. C/C (Chief Complain): 

3.Present Complain: *

Take patient Subjective & Objective symptoms from Head to feet. Complete each symptom with Causation, Location, Sensation, Duration, Modalities, Concomitants, Extension.

4. Past History: *

Any Disease which suffering yet, Drugs taken, Developmental defects, Vaccination, Operation, Injury.

5. Personal History:

Habit, Habitat, Sexual history, Relationship with others.

6. Family History: *

Maternal Disease:

Paternal Disease:

7. Generalities: *

A. Mental General: Willing, Feeling, Emotion, Fear, Depression. Temperament, Memory Power, Shocks. Suspiciousness, Affectionate, Thinking. 

 B. Physical General:

·        Constitution.

·        Appetite. 

·        Digestion.

·        Thirst.

·        Thermal reaction.

·        Elimination (Stool, Urine, Salivation, Perspiration) 

·        Disease Modalities.

·        Bathing.

·        Foods Desire & Aversion.

·        Sleep & Dream.

 C. Gynecology & Obstetrics Particular Complain:

ü Age of menarche.

ü Menstruation: Regular / Irregular, Volume, Duration, Odour, Colour, Clotted, Painful or not (Dysmenorrhoea )

ü Leucorrhoea: Itching, Odour , Volume , Stain in cloth , Any Discomfort.

ü Pregnancy Related complain (Normal / Caesarean Section Delivery)

ü Lochia / Postpartum Haemorrrhage History.

ü Miscarriage History .

ü Gravida / Para.

ü Age of Menopause. 

8. General Examination:

Appearance, Co-operation, Decubitus, Clubbing, Cyanosis, Koilonychia, Leukonychia, Lymph node ,Thyroid gland,  Breast, Neck Vein ,Build and hair distribution, Nutrition, Anaemia, Jaundice,  Dehydration, Oedema, Pulse ,BP , temperature .

9. Systemic Examination By Inspection, Palpation, Percussion,  Auscultation

10.Provisional Diagnosis:

ü  Lab. Investigation Report:

ü  Confirm Diagnosis:

11. Miasmatic Diagnosis: Psoric /Sycotic / Syphilitic / Tubercular Patient. 


Analysis & Evaluation of Symptoms. That means which Symptoms you give priority most.  keynotes (which should encompass Peculiar, Queer, Rare, Strange Symptoms (§153 and §209 of Hahnemann’s Organon)

Repertorization: Use Synthesis / Kent / Murphy / Complete Repertory Book or Radar / Radar opus / Zomeo software / Vithoulkas compass.                                   

Medicine & Potency selection with Dose: .......

Dietary advice if necessary.

Follow Up No: ………  Patient Feedback: ………

Second Prescription Medicine & Dose: ………